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The Journal of Global Environmental Studies

The Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GENV) was established in April 2005 as an independent graduate school founded on inter-disciplinary approaches to academia and research. Since the first graduating class of 2007, our graduates have gone on to pursue diverse careers in the environmental field, both in Japan and internationally.

To ensure the work of our graduates is shared with incoming students to our graduate school, other researchers of global environmental studies and those from civil society interested in environmental issues, GENV initiated the Journal of Global Environmental Studies in 2007. To commemorate the school’s 10th year anniversary, GENV will begin publishing a digital version of the journal. Students’ work from both the Japanese and International program will now be available in a timely manner and GENV hopes their work contributes to furthering environmental dialogues and our understanding of the complex environmental challenges our global society faces.

Regarding journal access, the digital version can be accessed from computers on campus.

Issue No. 20 (published November 2024)
第1巻Reliability estimation of emergency shelters under urban flooding: A case study in FuzhouZHANG ZHICHENG
第2巻CDAT-YOLO for Enhanced Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images through Cross-Domain Adaptive TransferSHANG SHUYAO
第3巻The Impacts of ESG Performance on Carbon Emission Intensity Based on A-share listed industries in Northwest ChinaCHEN ZHAO
第4巻How to Assess the Volatility in Green Trading MarketsZHAO HAO
第5巻A Novel Price Calculation Model for Corporate Power Purchase Agreements: Case Study on Wind Energy Projects in JapanANDRADE VAZQUEZ OMAR AUSTREBERTO
第6巻Investigating the Technical, Economic, and Regulatory Feasibility of Green Polymer Additives for the Recycling of Polyolefins高嵜 健太郎


Issue No. 19 (published March 2024)
第1巻Analyzing Consumer Perception of Sustainability: A Case Study of Greenwashed Food Products in the U.S.SHIRAKAWA ELIZABETH MARIE
第2巻Effects of Trophic Mismatch Under Climate Change on Arctic Shorebirds: A Case Study in Utqiaġvik, Alaska山本 聖士
第3巻営農型太陽光発電の普及における地域金融機関の役割河津 紫音
第4巻多摩川における増水前後のプラスチック汚染実態の比較分析WEN ZONGHAN
第5巻企業のESGパフォーマンスに影響を与える要因について: 日本企業の脱炭素化に向けた施策と環境パフォーマンスの関係安本 豐勝
第6巻EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) Challenges in Cambodia Plastic Waste Management: Post-Vietnam Plastic Waste Import BanPHEAP SOVANVICHILY
第7巻奄美大島マングローブ林におけるCO2吸収量推定及び生息環境分析JI JIANING
第8巻住民の幸福度と都市の持続可能性に関する研究: 47都道府県のデータ分析評価に基づいた経済・社会・環境の関連性について宗 美波
第9巻エネルギーの地産地消に向けた再生可能エネルギー事業化に影響する要因分析: 質的比較分析(QCA)によるアプローチCAI MENGYANG
第10巻 国際水素サプライチェーンの経済性評価と二酸化炭素排出量の比較: ASEANから日本への水素サプライチェーン想定YUE YUAN
第11巻Exploring the Effectiveness of Internal Carbon Pricing: Do Corporate Voluntary Actions for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accelerate Decarbonization?髙波 翼
第12巻海城における藻場造成の意義村松 真伎


Issue No. 18 (published November 2023)
第1巻世界遺産におけるエコツーリズムとSDGs要素の考察WU XUAN
第2巻Investigation of Microplastic Influx into Lake Tega from Inflow RiversHUANG XINMING
第3巻Achieve the Sustainable Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment in China : A Lesson on Japan’s ExperienceJIA YISHI
第4巻Efficient and Clean Utilisation of Coal Analysing The Perspectives of Coal-Fired Power Plants in ChinaLIU JIAJUN
第5巻The Impact of Guiyang Subway Construction on Air Environment and Economic Value of Atmospheric ImprovementZHANG MINGFENG
第6巻Technological Innovation in the New Energy Vehicles Industry: Analyzing the Influences of Chinese Industry Policies on the Technological Innovation System of the New Energy VehiclesLU JIARUN
第7巻Estimation of the carbon footprint from campus mobility: The case of Sophia University in Japan.FELIPE SANABRIA MARTINEZ


Issue No. 17 (published March 2023)
第1巻マルチソースデータを用いたCOVID-19時空間拡散影響要因分析――湖北省と首都圏(日本)の比較分析YANG JIANGWENLIN
第2巻Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning in Clarifying Factors of Dengue Fever in PakistanSHAH AMNA
第3巻Gaps Between Buddhist Dogmas and the Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors among Foreign PilgrimsWANG YUAN
第4巻A Study of Public Attitudes Toward Environmental Taxes in ChinaWU JINGWEN
第5巻地域資源保全行動の動機に関する研究 −中海・宍道湖を事例として−槻宅 涼子
第6巻Ecological effect assessment of mercury bioaccumulatation in Giant OttersGARCIA VERDEZOTO LUIS SEBASTIAN
第7巻手賀沼における大腸菌の動態による水質汚染に関する研究PENG JINCHAN
第8巻Effects of macrophytes on the diversity of algae species in Tega LakeLI YIXUAN
第9巻The Impact of Internet-based Green Financial Products on Carbon Emissions Reduction in China: The Case Study of Ant ForestMA QIAN
第10巻持続可能なモノづくりによる開発の新たな枠組み―バングラデシュのファッション産業を事例に―佐々木 梓乃
第11巻The Use of Eco-labels in The Hotel Industry in China:Analysis of The Influence on Customer SatisfactionHAO RUNXUAN
第12巻北海道タンチョウ保護と共生に係る協働に関する研究GUO RONGYANG
第13巻The Relationship Between Conspicuous Consumption and Green Purchase Behavior—A Case Study on Chinese Millennials in ShanghaiDAI QIQI


Issue No. 16 (published October 2022)
第2巻Flood Emergency Management in Tourism Destination: A Case study of Lijiang River flood in 2020, ChinaZhou Lingyun
第3巻Introducing a New Concept of Eco-Oriented Forest Insurance: Comparative Analysis between China and JapanBo Wang
第4巻Resilient Infrastructure for Sustainable Development A Case of Attaining Sustainability in Highway Roads Development in TanzaniaInyasi Kimario Deodath
第5巻Study on Electric Energy Supply in Flood Disaster Emergency ManagementJingyi Xia
第6巻SDGs、CEの視点から、日中化粧品容器包装の環境負荷の低減に向けて、中国化粧品産業への提言Boer Qi
第7巻気候変動対策基金のパートナーシップ: 緑の気候基金における国際アクセス機関の役割吉田 晴乃
第8巻Analysis of the management of household medical waste in China: The transformation under Covid-19 pandemicYinying Zhang
第11巻地域新電力と公共交通を組み合わせたコンパクトシティに関する研究工藤 大樹
第13巻Construction of Ecological Civilization in China’s Plateau Area: The Case of Tibet Autonomous RegionZhao Yuan


Issue No. 15 (published October 2020, March 2021)
第1巻The current situation of the Japanese exotic animal pet market and its impact on endangered speciesTiffany Wagner
第2巻Environmentally Friendly Products and Social Entrepreneurship in the Personal Care and Cosmetic Industry: A Comparative Study Between Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan and the United StatesYichia Chu
第3巻Municipal solid waste management in Lebanon -A Study on the Major Changes in the Lebanese Waste Management System in reaction to the 2015 Garbage CrisisTatiana Hajjar
第4巻Achieving SDG 7 in Caribbean Small Island Developing States: Considering a third-party financing model for the rapid scale-up of solar power generationShekira Thompson
第5巻Evaluation of Present and Future Potentials of Eco-tourism in Mountainous Area: Exploring Possibilities in Guizhou Province in China and Learning Lessons from Hokuto Area in Yamanashi Prefecture in JapanHu Qingni
第6巻Challenges in the Implementation of Iczm as a Tool for Sustainable Marine Coastal Resource Management Case Study: Kribi Coastal Zone Area of CameroonHenry Dinayen Wirba Tsalla Junior
第7巻Battling Water Quality Deterioration Amid Rapid Tourism Growth: A Study of Water Quality Management in El Nido, PalawanJason Yrvin Sol Gurango Establecida
第8巻From Tofu to … Still Just Tofu? Developments, Dynamics and Challenges of Tokyo’s Vegan Landscape in the 21st CenturySimone Hencke
第9巻Analysis of Psychological Factors Affecting Environmentally Responsible Behavior, Case of Buea Municipality, CameroonNchia Shella Ndum
第11巻Water Quality Impact of Angat Dam in Norzagaray, Bulacan Philippines: Determination of Mercury Presence on the Waters in Angat RiverMarc Jhuden Santiago Dela Cruz
第12巻The impacts of ESG disclosure on financial performance: Analysis of Japanese consumer goods companiesLiu Lichen
第13巻日本における太陽光発電の社会的受容性本宮 青芸
第14巻Social Vulnerability Assessment: Relevance of Sociodemographic Variables in Resilience toward Flood Risk ManagementBakare Rasheed Oluwafemi
第15巻ソーラーシェアリング導入により収穫した農作物の環境価値の研究-仮想評価法(CVM)を用いて上岡 尚樹
第16巻Study on Water Quality Analysis and Potential Pollution of the Teganuma LakeMei Yichen


Issue No. 14 (published March 2020)
第1巻Plastic Waste Management and Environment A case study of plastic bag waste in District of Mocuba – MozambiqueGildo Guilherme Duarte
第2巻International Analysis of the Drivers in Promoting Woody Biomass Energy as a Means to Address Climate Change and Sustainable DevelopmentDerek Michio Hondo
第3巻Sustainable Strategy To Boosting Purchase Intention Of Organic Food — A Case Study of The Organic Food Market in ShanghaiKong Yijun
第4巻Exploring Sustainable Mangrove Management Policy For Community Wellbeing: Case Study of NADROGA and NADI in FijiSalanieta Tuisuva
第5巻Integrated study of innovation, policy and environmental sustainability on the power battery industry of electric vehicle: How can we adopt greener electric vehicles in the future?Zhang Yongjian
第6巻Achieve the Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management – Comparative Study on Municipal Solid Waste Management System of China and JapanWen Xueqian
第7巻An Agent-Driven Solution to the Waste Problem: the Case of NaoshimaXie Baoer
第8巻The educational role of pharmacists in collection of medication waste to reduce pharmaceutical pollution in water body – A case study in KunmingYi Yanchen
第9巻The Impact of Charcoal Production and Consumption on Socioeconomic Development and Environment. A Case of Nakasongola District, UgandaSekubwa Baker
第10巻家庭用水銀製品のリスク管理に関する日中比較研究Ma LinTong
第11巻日本における寝具の包装についての研究 ―ニトリと良品計画の例として―Xu Ke
第12巻タンザニアの環境、気候問題とそれに対する食糧問題の解決策についてー小島 彩
第13巻東西の思想家にみる実践的な環境思想の試み ―ルソーと安藤昌益を例として綱脇 友重
第14巻Single-use plastic waste management A study of Japan and VietnamPHAM Mai Huong
第15巻Analysis of the relationship between Environmental Awareness and Environmental Degradation in Masaka Municipality-UgandaKyotakoze Annet
第16巻食品ロス削減対策の有効性に関する経済的分析Bae Sujin
第17巻大豆肉消費拡大の可能性と課題 ―気候変動緩和策の一環として―江口 優子
第18巻Opportunities and Challenges of Urban Organic Waste Management: A study of Organic Waste Management in KathmanduPrava Kandel


Issue No. 13 (published March 2019)
第1巻How May Japan’s Disposable Housing Culture Limit Progress Toward a Green Transformation of its Urban Residential Housing Sector?Styve Erlend Bjerke
第2巻Research on Commonality and Regularity of Water Related Music Works and Influence of Different River Basin Environment on Music Style (in the case of Major River Basins in China)Chen Chen
第3巻Characterization of flood risk management in the middle reaches of the Chao-Phraya river basin and lessons for Japan竹田有里
第4巻環境影響評価指標を応用した企業評価に関する研究 ―環境会計の再構築をめざして―牟禮恵美子
第5巻The research on economic valuation of ecosystem services in Sanjiang plain wetland based on conjoint analysisSong Tingting
第6巻動物園における絶滅危惧種に関する環境教育 動物園の取り組みを中心にJi Junying
第7巻日本における CCS の実用化に向けたリスクコミュニケーションの 現状と課題 ―米国と日本の比較研究―Wang Siyu
第8巻Solid Waste Management in The Philippines A Study on the Formalization of the Informal Waste Sector in The PhilippineDavid Emmanuel Sta. Ines Ambat
第9巻Providing Solutions to Eliminate Plastic Packaging Waste from Beverages: The Analysis of Sustainability Using Refillable Bottle ProgramsTan Shuhan
第10巻How Integrated Environmental Policies Could Enhance Rural Domestic Wastewater Management in ChinaYan Fei
第11巻Analysis of the Environmental Impacts of the Meat Industry and the Evaluation of Sustainable MeatWang Qi
第12巻Current Status and Problems of Plastic Recycling -A comparative analysis of EU, Japan and China-Li Qian
第13巻江蘇省日系企業の CSR 推進における住民参加の役割 ―事例分析を中心にZhu Qiumei
第14巻森林ボランティア活動について ―日本と中国の比較研究―Li Peilong
第15巻食品リサイクルの現状と課題 ―日中比較および中国への提言―Wu Jiayi


Issue No. 12 (published October 2017, April 2018)
第1巻Deep Ecological Consciousness in the Writings of FabreNami Miyazaki
第2巻A comparative analysis of artificial reefs: design, procedure, and applicationMolly Peyton Jordan
第3巻Voluntary Approaches to Environmental Regulation in Japan and Mexico: A Comparative StudyPeter James Bungate
第4巻Combating Food Insecurity in Urban Areas: An Assessment of Vertical Farms as a Potential Practice for Improving Food AccessibilityHeather Lynn Lueck
第5巻世界自然遺産におけるエコツーリズムの機能と限界について ~小笠原諸島を研究事例として~Yang Quanwei
第6巻中国小型電気電子機器廃棄物リサイクルへの提言 -日本の小型電気電子機器リサイクル法から学ぶこと-Pan Yingying
第7巻繊維リサイクルの現状と課題 -ヨーロッパ、日本と中国の比較研究-Luo Shumeng
第8巻大都市におけるプラスチック製容器 包装リサイクルの今後について -横浜市の廃棄物政策から考察して-斉藤 大夢
第9巻JRリニア新幹線のエネルギー消費に関する研究Mao Yonggang
第10巻Environmentally Sound Household Solid Waste Management with Emphasis on public awareness and participation, Case study: Limbe, CameroonSophie Ebot Agborabang
第11巻Drivers and challenges for environmental voluntary approaches in Guatemala: ISO 14001Carlos Gonzalez
第12巻Investigating the factors influencing the intention of household waste source separation Case Study: Ulaanbaatar, MongoliaMunkhtuul Erdenebat
第13巻The Role of Mangroves in Water Quality Improvement: A case study of river water quality, community and management in ThailandSirikaan Prachumyaat
第14巻An Assessement of Climate Compatible Development (CCD) and its Triple Wins in Agriculture and Food Security A case study of BangladeshStephen Chitengi Sakapaji


Issue No. 11 (published November 2016, March 2017)
第1巻Assessment of Plantation Establishment and Livelihood Improvement Scheme(Pelis) in Kenya. Comparative case Study of Bahati Forest and Kakamega ForestNdege George Otieno
第2巻Exploring Urban Agro-environmental Policy Potentials——Tokyo case studyZhu Xian
第3巻The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behavior——A Study of Cosmetic Industry in ChinaZhang Jing
第4巻Hydropower Development Challenge & Opportunity for EthiopiaAbebe Anteneh Wolde
第5巻How Can Food Sovereignty in Environmental Education be Transformative in Small Island Developing States? A Case Study: Yap, Federated States of Micronesia.Caroline J. Kocel
第6巻Exploring the Impacts of Meat Production Through an Environmental History Perspective: The Case of U.S. BeefErika J. Scelfo
第7巻複合街区における再生可能エネルギー導入の環境・経済評価中山 裕夢
第8巻中国エコカー市場におけるコンジョイント分析ー日系メーカーへの提言ー呉 雲飛
第9巻オリンピック・環境レガシーと持続可能な開発ー北京大会とロンドン大会を比較して東京大会への提言ーWang Zhe
第10巻環境経済評価による中国の大気汚染問題の研究Huang Ying


Issue No. 10 (published November 2015, April 2016)
第1巻The Role of NGOs in the Development and Implementation of National Environmental Policies through Multi- Stakeholder Participation: The Cases of Marine Debris Management Policies in Japan and the Republic of KoreaWoohyun Sophia Choi
第2巻Promoting Water-saving Society by Economic Structure Adjustment from Policy Aspect in Zhangye CityLi Zhiqing
第3巻Burning Coal and Environmental Policy Over time: An Environmental Historical Comparative Analysis of Britain, the United States and ChinaPeixuan Wu
第4巻Water Sustainability Challenges in Saudi Arabia: How to Ensure Water Security in the Future?Muna Hamadah
第5巻名古屋議定書の地球規模の多国間利益配分の仕組みに関する一考察―新たな仕組みの創設へ向けて―小野 恵理嘉
第6巻地下水涵養の人工補強が湧水の水質にもたらす影響‐中国済南市を事例として‐張 婷婷
第7巻Investigation of Nitrate Contents in Tea Products from China and JapanManru Zhou
第8巻Explore Food Security Through the Lens of Environmental Ethics The Geopolitics of Food Challenge: China and Soybean ImportZhu Huaiqing
第9巻Management and Development of Agricultural Plastic Mulch in Arid Regions- Taking Zhang Ye City as an ExampleZhang Lei
第10巻Feasibility of Initiating Payments for Ecosystem Services in Myaungmya Township, Ayeyarwady Region, MyanmarS Myo Chit Zaw


Issue No. 9 (published June 2015)
第1巻Determinants of Waste Separation in China: Guiyang City, Guizhou Province as a Case StudySiqi YANG
第2巻The Role of Traditional Knowledge in the Development of Agri-Environmental Schemes: A Case Study of the Panela Agricultural Activity in ColombiaLuz Adriana GOMEZ GALVIS
第3巻The Role of Environmental Movements in Establishing of Municipal Solid Waste Management System in Urban Areas -Comparing Russia and Japan-Tyunina Olga
第4巻Exploring Current Taiwan New Town Development Policy and Conflict -From the Perspective of City Biodiversity Index and Conservation-FeiChih Kuo
第5巻日本における食品ロスの減量化対策 -フードバンク活動の事例を中心に-堀部 三幸
第6巻スペイン電力システムの費用対効果の評価および日本への導入可能性の考察郡 隼輔
第7巻日本における社会的責任投資(SRI)ファンドの特性分析~ネガティブ・スクリーングの位置づけと可能性~唐澤 伸吾


Issue No. 8 (published June 2014)
第1巻在来型石油の生産量ピークに関する研究Kohei KATSUMATA
第2巻バイオガス化発電のエクセルギー再生による高効率化Hiroki TOYODA
第3巻建設廃棄物の処理に関する費用負担についての一考察Naomi HARA
第4巻低炭素経済形成過程における社会的費用に関する研究Tadashi KAGOTANI
第5巻A Sustainable Urban Plan for Santiago CityCatalina Alejandra
Gonzalez Cominetti
第6巻日本における自動車温暖化対策の評価Takumi KASHIWAKURA
第7巻Nitrate Pollution in Water BodiesLing Li
第8巻The Emrpirical Study of the Economic Values
of Ecosystem Services provided by Hou Sahong Channel,
in Champassak, Lao PDR
Phommatham Syamphone
第9巻Evaluation System of Chinese Environmental NGOsYang YuanYuan
第10巻Theoretical and Empirical Research
for Environmental Kuznets Curve Hyphothesis
in Chinese Regions
Zhao Hua
第11巻人間と地球環境に配慮した都市のあり方についてSho KOBAYASHI
第12巻主要国に対する我が国のエネルギーセキュリティレベルの定量分析Yutaka SHIMIZU

