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柘植 隆宏
柘植 隆宏
  • 職位
  • 主な研究分野
  • プロフィール

    1976年奈良県生まれ。同志社大学経済学部卒業。神戸大学大学院経済学研究科博士課程後期課程修了。高崎経済大学地域政策学部講師、甲南大学経済学部准教授・教授を経て、2020年より上智大学大学院地球環境学研究科教授(現在)。博士(経済学)。イリノイ大学客員研究員、ハワイ大学客員教授などを歴任。主な著書に『環境評価の最新テクニック:表明選好法・顕示選好法・実験経済学』勁草書房 2011年(共編著)、『初心者のための環境評価入門』勁草書房 2013年(共著)。

  • 研究紹介


  • 研究セミナーの特徴



  • 近年発表された論文の一部

    Mameno K, HSU C-H, TSUGE T, ONUMA A, KUBO T (2024) Who is likely to have illegal eel products after the market regulations? A best-worst scaling approach. Marine Policy 169 106373
    Mameno K, Tsuge T, Kubo T, Kuriyama K, Shoji Y (2024) High monetary valuation of regulating forest ecosystem services in Japan: integrating the best-worst scaling and contingent valuation methods. Ecosystems and People 20(1) 2400544
    Takahashi T, Hori Y, Otsuka I, Shibata S, Tsuge T (2024) Innovativeness of Japanese forest owners and municipalities regarding the valorization of forest ecosystem services: Quantitative evaluation of mutual influences. Forest Policy and Economics 166 103269
    Eversole D, Peng M, Tarui N, Tsuge T (2024) Tourism and Beaches: Their Multilayered Demand and Sustainability. Quarterly Journal of Marketing 44(2) 149-157.
    柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一, 庄子康 (2024) ベスト・ワースト・スケーリング—環境経済・政策学研究への適用を中心に—. 環境経済・政策研究 17(2), 28-38.
    Kuriyama K, Shoji Y, Tsuge T (2024) The integer programing extreme value (IPEV) model: An application for estimation of the leisure trip demand. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 186 103018
    Prima Citta S, Uehara T, Cordier M, Tsuge T, Asari M (2024) Promoting menstrual cups as a sustainable alternative: a comparative study using a labeled discrete choice experiment. Frontiers in Sustainability 5 1391491
    Uehara T, Nakatani J, Tsuge T, Asari M (2023) Consumer preferences and understanding of bio-based and biodegradable plastics. Journal of Cleaner Production 417 137979
    Tsuge T, Usio N. Nakano M (2023) Assessing the attractiveness of tourism resources in Noto using the best–worst scaling and discrete choice experiment methods: further utilization of satoyama and satoumi for tourism. International Journal of Economic Policy Studies 17 421-446
    Shoji Y, Tsuge T, Kubo T, Imamaura K, Kuriyama K (2023) Examining preferences for forest ecosystem services using partial profile choice experiments. Journal of Forest Economics 38(3) 235-263
    Shoji Y, Kim H, Tsuge T, Kuriyama K (2023) Impact of user fees for visitors to national parks in the presence of alternative sites. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 4(2) 100104
    Peng M, Tarui N, Tsuge T, Eversole D (2023) What’s a (Better) Beach Day Worth? Economic Valuation of Changes in Waikīkī Beach Characteristics. Coastal Management 51(3) 186-210