No. | タイトル | 氏名 |
第1巻 | The current situation of the Japanese exotic animal pet market and its impact on endangered species | Tiffany Wagner |
第2巻 | Environmentally Friendly Products and Social Entrepreneurship in the Personal Care and Cosmetic Industry: A Comparative Study Between Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan and the United States | Yichia Chu |
第3巻 | Municipal solid waste management in Lebanon -A Study on the Major Changes in the Lebanese Waste Management System in reaction to the 2015 Garbage Crisis | Tatiana Hajjar |
第4巻 | Achieving SDG 7 in Caribbean Small Island Developing States: Considering a third-party financing model for the rapid scale-up of solar power generation | Shekira Thompson |
第5巻 | Evaluation of Present and Future Potentials of Eco-tourism in Mountainous Area: Exploring Possibilities in Guizhou Province in China and Learning Lessons from Hokuto Area in Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan | Hu Qingni |
第6巻 | Challenges in the Implementation of Iczm as a Tool for Sustainable Marine Coastal Resource Management Case Study: Kribi Coastal Zone Area of Cameroon | Henry Dinayen Wirba Tsalla Junior |
第7巻 | Battling Water Quality Deterioration Amid Rapid Tourism Growth: A Study of Water Quality Management in El Nido, Palawan | Jason Yrvin Sol Gurango Establecida |
第8巻 | From Tofu to … Still Just Tofu? Developments, Dynamics and Challenges of Tokyo’s Vegan Landscape in the 21st Century | Simone Hencke |
第9巻 | Analysis of Psychological Factors Affecting Environmentally Responsible Behavior, Case of Buea Municipality, Cameroon | Nchia Shella Ndum |
第11巻 | Water Quality Impact of Angat Dam in Norzagaray, Bulacan Philippines: Determination of Mercury Presence on the Waters in Angat River | Marc Jhuden Santiago Dela Cruz |
第12巻 | The impacts of ESG disclosure on financial performance: Analysis of Japanese consumer goods companies | Liu Lichen |
第13巻 | 日本における太陽光発電の社会的受容性 | 本宮 青芸 |
第14巻 | Social Vulnerability Assessment: Relevance of Sociodemographic Variables in Resilience toward Flood Risk Management | Bakare Rasheed Oluwafemi |
第15巻 | ソーラーシェアリング導入により収穫した農作物の環境価値の研究-仮想評価法(CVM)を用いて | 上岡 尚樹 |
第16巻 | Study on Water Quality Analysis and Potential Pollution of the Teganuma Lake | Mei Yichen |