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第1巻The current situation of the Japanese exotic animal pet market and its impact on endangered speciesTiffany Wagner
第2巻Environmentally Friendly Products and Social Entrepreneurship in the Personal Care and Cosmetic Industry: A Comparative Study Between Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan and the United StatesYichia Chu
第3巻Municipal solid waste management in Lebanon -A Study on the Major Changes in the Lebanese Waste Management System in reaction to the 2015 Garbage CrisisTatiana Hajjar
第4巻Achieving SDG 7 in Caribbean Small Island Developing States: Considering a third-party financing model for the rapid scale-up of solar power generationShekira Thompson
第5巻Evaluation of Present and Future Potentials of Eco-tourism in Mountainous Area: Exploring Possibilities in Guizhou Province in China and Learning Lessons from Hokuto Area in Yamanashi Prefecture in JapanHu Qingni
第6巻Challenges in the Implementation of Iczm as a Tool for Sustainable Marine Coastal Resource Management Case Study: Kribi Coastal Zone Area of CameroonHenry Dinayen Wirba Tsalla Junior
第7巻Battling Water Quality Deterioration Amid Rapid Tourism Growth: A Study of Water Quality Management in El Nido, PalawanJason Yrvin Sol Gurango Establecida
第8巻From Tofu to … Still Just Tofu? Developments, Dynamics and Challenges of Tokyo’s Vegan Landscape in the 21st CenturySimone Hencke
第9巻Analysis of Psychological Factors Affecting Environmentally Responsible Behavior, Case of Buea Municipality, CameroonNchia Shella Ndum
第11巻Water Quality Impact of Angat Dam in Norzagaray, Bulacan Philippines: Determination of Mercury Presence on the Waters in Angat RiverMarc Jhuden Santiago Dela Cruz
第12巻The impacts of ESG disclosure on financial performance: Analysis of Japanese consumer goods companiesLiu Lichen
第13巻日本における太陽光発電の社会的受容性本宮 青芸
第14巻Social Vulnerability Assessment: Relevance of Sociodemographic Variables in Resilience toward Flood Risk ManagementBakare Rasheed Oluwafemi
第15巻ソーラーシェアリング導入により収穫した農作物の環境価値の研究-仮想評価法(CVM)を用いて上岡 尚樹
第16巻Study on Water Quality Analysis and Potential Pollution of the Teganuma LakeMei Yichen