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Due to the wide spread of coronavirus around the world, the graduation ceremony scheduled on March 24, 2020 has been canceled. The following messages from GES professors are for students who are graduating in March. Congratulations on your graduation and good luck on your new adventure!




Sumiko ANNO / 安納住子

I had a very happy time thanks to everyone. Thank you for a lot of sweets. Continue challenging yourself with your own dreams and goals without being satisfied with your past successes and the present situation and without being bound by the common sense. “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

皆さんのおかげでとても幸せな時間を過ごすことができました。また、たくさんのお菓子の差し入れもありがとうございました。過去の成功や現状に満足せず、常識にとらわれず、夢や目標を持ち、挑戦し続けてください。“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”


Keiko HIRAO / 平尾桂子






Naomi INOUE / 井上直己

Congratulations on your graduation! It was precious 2 years for me to learn together. The current socio-economic system is not sustainable, and we need to make a change everywhere. The earth literally needs you to take actions to make it happen. “Communication”, “Dialogue” and “Action” is the key I believe. Looking forward to working with you in the future!

ご卒業おめでとうございます! 皆さんから私も多くを学びました。社会は皆さんの力を必要としています。今の社会経済システムは持続せず、あらゆる場面で変化が求められます。そのため対話、知恵、勇気を大切にして、活躍されますように!

Guangwei Huang / 黄 光偉

Although I don’t have a cheerful mood at this moment as the world is fighting against the coronavirus, I feel I must say to you “Congratulation for your achievement”.

The fact you graduated at a very difficult time serves as a reminder that we need to learn from failure and success sometimes may block our view towards the right direction, which may lead to tragedy. So, stay alert, be self-doubt and welcome criticism. In this way, you can keep growing and maximize yourself.


Akemi ORI / 織 朱實

Congratulations on your graduation. Your graduations coincided with the tough times of Coronavirus. However, this is exactly the situation where you can take advantage of your two years of college experience. You are expected to take appropriate actions calmly and scientifically with good communication skills. In any situation, I believe the experience you have learned for two years will help you. I hope that you will continue to work as one of Sophia University member to improve the environment in the world. Congratulations on your graduation.



John Joseph PUTHENKALAM / ジョン ジョセフ プテンカラム

Dear Students: Congratulations
Hope all of you had a wonderful and memorable time at Sophia GES studying
global environmental issues. I am sure that each one of you have found a topic of interest
that will enliven your future carrier and life. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavours
as you bring the spirit of “Sophia – bringing the world together”. Blessings always!!!


Shingo SHIBATA / 柴田晋吾




Masachika SUZUKI / 鈴木政史

Dear everyone who has completed our program,
Congratulations! It is unfortunate that we cannot celebrate this occasion of happiness together face to face but I wish the very best on your new endeavors from April. When you have a chance, please stop by our office and update us on your life!

修了おめでとうございます!修了式を実施できず残念ですが、4月から新たな生活がんばってください。Stay in touch – 落ち着いたら近況を教えてください。学校にも遊びに来てください。

Yoshinari TANAKA / 田中嘉成

Congratulations on your graduation. It is very disappointing to say goodbye without being able to meet everyone of you. I hope that you will use your learning and experience at this graduate school for two years to open your fulfilling life. Remember that we remain friends!


Toyoaki WASHIDA / 鷲田豊明

Congratulations! I hope you would have the unconscious power or invisible power based on your studies on this graduate school. I also am going to retire the professor this month. Let us have new lives for our new dreams!


*The video message from Professor Washida has been posted here.


Professor Washida is going to retire from Sophia University at the end of March 2020.

Professor Washida, we all thank you for your great contribution to our graduate program!