No. | タイトル | 氏名 |
第1巻 | Plastic Waste Management and Environment A case study of plastic bag waste in District of Mocuba – Mozambique | Gildo Guilherme Duarte |
第2巻 | International Analysis of the Drivers in Promoting Woody Biomass Energy as a Means to Address Climate Change and Sustainable Development | Derek Michio Hondo |
第3巻 | Sustainable Strategy To Boosting Purchase Intention Of Organic Food — A Case Study of The Organic Food Market in Shanghai | Kong Yijun |
第4巻 | Exploring Sustainable Mangrove Management Policy For Community Wellbeing: Case Study of NADROGA and NADI in Fiji | Salanieta Tuisuva |
第5巻 | Integrated study of innovation, policy and environmental sustainability on the power battery industry of electric vehicle: How can we adopt greener electric vehicles in the future? | Zhang Yongjian |
第6巻 | Achieve the Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management – Comparative Study on Municipal Solid Waste Management System of China and Japan | Wen Xueqian |
第7巻 | An Agent-Driven Solution to the Waste Problem: the Case of Naoshima | Xie Baoer |
第8巻 | The educational role of pharmacists in collection of medication waste to reduce pharmaceutical pollution in water body – A case study in Kunming | Yi Yanchen |
第9巻 | The Impact of Charcoal Production and Consumption on Socioeconomic Development and Environment. A Case of Nakasongola District, Uganda | Sekubwa Baker |
第10巻 | 家庭用水銀製品のリスク管理に関する日中比較研究 | Ma LinTong |
第11巻 | 日本における寝具の包装についての研究 ―ニトリと良品計画の例として― | Xu Ke |
第12巻 | タンザニアの環境、気候問題とそれに対する食糧問題の解決策についてー | 小島 彩 |
第13巻 | 東西の思想家にみる実践的な環境思想の試み ―ルソーと安藤昌益を例として | 綱脇 友重 |
第14巻 | Single-use plastic waste management A study of Japan and Vietnam | PHAM Mai Huong |
第15巻 | Analysis of the relationship between Environmental Awareness and Environmental Degradation in Masaka Municipality-Uganda | Kyotakoze Annet |
第16巻 | 食品ロス削減対策の有効性に関する経済的分析 | Bae Sujin |
第17巻 | 大豆肉消費拡大の可能性と課題 ―気候変動緩和策の一環として― | 江口 優子 |
第18巻 | Opportunities and Challenges of Urban Organic Waste Management: A study of Organic Waste Management in Kathmandu | Prava Kandel |