No. | タイトル | 氏名 |
第1巻 | 世界遺産におけるエコツーリズムとSDGs要素の考察 | WU XUAN |
第2巻 | Investigation of Microplastic Influx into Lake Tega from Inflow Rivers | HUANG XINMING |
第3巻 | Achieve the Sustainable Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment in China : A Lesson on Japan’s Experience | JIA YISHI |
第4巻 | Efficient and Clean Utilisation of Coal Analysing The Perspectives of Coal-Fired Power Plants in China | LIU JIAJUN |
第5巻 | The Impact of Guiyang Subway Construction on Air Environment and Economic Value of Atmospheric Improvement | ZHANG MINGFENG |
第6巻 | Technological Innovation in the New Energy Vehicles Industry: Analyzing the Influences of Chinese Industry Policies on the Technological Innovation System of the New Energy Vehicles | LU JIARUN |
第7巻 | Estimation of the carbon footprint from campus mobility: The case of Sophia University in Japan. | FELIPE SANABRIA MARTINEZ |